A Halloween Transformation: Phase 1

A Halloween Transformation: Phase 1

Halloween is coming! Halloween is coming! And I love it sooo much. I don't think I decorate for Halloween as much as I transform my home.  At my house, Halloween lasts the entire Fall season with Thanksgiving thrown in at the end.  I like to think I am building an...

Going Gray is Passe

Going Gray is Passe

I can't believe this is coming out of my brain onto the page, but I must admit painting walls grey is so 2019 and frankly not a great idea anymore.  Don't get me wrong grey is a beautiful classic color, but there is A LOT of room for error. The problem is that even...

Artist Collaboration Series: Robert Butchko

Artist Collaboration Series: Robert Butchko

Not everyone gets to realize a childhood dream like Charlotte artist Robert Butchko. Robert is one of the many incredibly talented artisans in the Charlotte art scene. The local art and artisan pieces that I use for my staging business are what makes Stella home...

Artist Collaboration Series: Margaret Fleeman

Artist Collaboration Series: Margaret Fleeman

My husband and I joke that this whole staging business is just an excuse to spend time with artists and artisans and have a great reason to buy their beautiful wares. I would like to claim my art collection is all local, but alas I’ve been collecting art from...

The key to Boho Chic design are the rugs

The key to Boho Chic design are the rugs

Recently, I was house shopping with a lovely stylish young buyer of mine.  We, she and I, knew her house the moment we stepped through the door.  Obviously, we both recognized it was in a great neighborhood and all the other real estatey stuff. I mean we both knew how...

Comfort versus Style

Comfort versus Style

I get this question a lot: Do you know where I can get a comfortable chair or couch that is stylish?   In an ideal world you shouldn’t have to sacrifice one to have the other. In reality it is hard to find both. In the world of staging, I quote the great Billy Crystal...

The business of staging

The business of staging

My clients and I get so excited by the fun pretty design aspect of staging that we don't talk enough about the business behind the design.  The business aspect is really important for people who are interested in staging to understand.  Why? you may ask.  As you'll...

About Cassee Cunningham

My name is Cassee Cunningham pronounced (Cassie). I am the owner of Stella Home. My process of staging is getting to know the space, light, architectural era + updates and the personality of the community the house is located in. Once I feel I know the house, I then start to create a highly customized design palette.